Over the last couple days I've observed the below treeline avalanche problem changing.
Yesterday Charlie and I skied Hidden Chute. On the approach we ended up under Craig's Line and dug a quick pit. The more westerly slopes had developed a sun crust and the top snow felt more consolidated. The quick pit showed a facet layer about 2 feet down in addition to the January drought layer and the basal facets. The higher up facet layer was reactive (CT11, Q1) but did not propagate on ECT. We decided to move away from the steeper terrain of Craig's line. Hidden trees still held soft snow, but this too proved to be somewhat reactive (CT 11, CT14 on two higher up layers about 1.5 feet down).
Earlier this week in very low elevation skiing in Santa Fe (~9000 ft), previously soft, faceted, and shallow snowpacks (~1'-2.5') had developed a more cohesive slab on W-NW aspects. The distribution was highly variable, but the January drought layer was reactive in some snowpit tests.